Sprint #4

Sprint Dates

Lab (Mon/Tues) then Meeting (Thurs/Fri)

Meeting (Mon/Tues) then Lab (Thurs/Fri)

Sprint Start Date

Thurs 2/22

Mon 2/19

Sprint End Date

Wed 3/6

Sun 3/3

Due Date

Wed 3/6 by 11:59 PM ET

To Do

✓ Complete Time Sheet

  • Timesheet #5 due Sunday 2/25 at 11:59 PM ET.

  • Timesheet #6 due Sunday 3/3 at 11:59 PM ET.

✓ Attend Monthly Meeting #2 on 2/21.

✓ Draft poster and draft video due March 6, 2024, delegate tasks related to the draft poster and video to your team members. See Poster Guidelines and Video Guidelines for more information.

✓ Set-up a meeting with your mentor to complete mid-semester feedback. You can begin this assignment during this sprint with your mentor. Please make them aware and share the rubric with them early so they may begin preparing. Mentor and TA Feedback Guide

✓ Complete TA and Student 1:1’s. When you complete this task is flexible during Sprint 4. Please find time with each team member to check in with them individually. Semester Check-Ins with Students

✓ See the Spring Schedule for timesheet, grading, and report deadlines.

  • Review project documentation

  • Three Minute Thesis

Sprint Schedule

Team Meeting #1 (50 minutes):

  • This is a credit-bearing class; take attendance and make sure students have their cameras turned on.

  • Project Updates from students:

    • What have they been working on since the last sprint?

    • Were there any hurdles, roadblocks or barriers that they experienced while completing this week’s task?

    • What do they plan on committing to completing by the next mentor meeting?

  • Time for questions from students to mentor.

    • Questions related to the project.

    • Questions related to the company. (Internship, Full-Time Opportunities, and etc.)

  • Ensure students are assigned tasks to work on before meeting again in the next lab.

Lab Section #1 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • Start the meeting by taking attendance and having a weekly standup with your team.

    • What did you work on last week?

    • What are you currently working on?

    • What are your blockers?

  • Complete semester check-in with students. Review Check-In Guide for more information.

  • Assign sprint tasks and deadlines to team members on the Kanban board in MS Teams.

  • A Data Mine staff member will stop by the lab sometime to provide support and answer any questions.

Team Meeting #2 (50 minutes):

  • This is a credit-bearing class; take attendance and make sure students have their cameras turned on.

  • Project Updates from students:

    • What have they been working on since the last sprint?

    • Were there any hurdles, roadblocks or barriers that they experienced while completing this week’s task?

    • What do they plan on committing to completing by the next mentor meeting?

  • Time for questions from students to mentor.

    • Questions related to the project.

    • Questions related to the company. (Internship, Full-Time Opportunities, and etc.)

  • Ensure students are assigned tasks to work on before meeting again in the next lab.

    • Record tasks and deadlines on the Kanban board in MS Teams.

Lab Section #2 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • Start the meeting by taking attendance and having a daily standup with your team.

  • Begin lab by facilitating a discussion on the Sprint 4 Three Minute Thesis professional development assignment.

  • Assign sprint tasks and deadlines to team members on the Kanban board in MS Teams.

  • Collaboration and work-time with team members.

  • A Data Mine staff member will stop by the lab sometime to provide support and answer any questions.

  • Remind students to complete Sprint 4 Tasks